Monday, March 30, 2009

What I'm currently working on...

As you probably read in this post, I'm working on a major project lately. As you'd expect, I'm pretty nauseous, & exhausted, so all other projects have been on hold for a while. Luckily, I'm not nearly as sick as I was when I was pregnant with Cooper. I'm having an ultrasound soon to confirm how far along I am, but the doctor gave me a due date of October 20. And that's Cooper's 2nd birthday. Yikes. I guess Cooper will have to learn about sharing really fast. I'm trying to come up with a name for the fetus (not a real name, just something to call him or her for now), so if anyone has any ideas let me know.

I did have a little more energy lately (or maybe I was just tired of being tired) & I made a couple aprons. The first one is adult size & the second is a kid's size. What do you think? I plan to put them on my Etsy shop soon. You may have noticed I added a link to my new Etsy shop to the right a while ago, I just didn't mention it 'cause it's a little sad right now. I do plan to add these though, and hopefully more stuff soon. And I had my first sale! Yah! I sold a set of 3 pairs of baby/toddler leg warmers. Sweet!